(click on image to enlarge)
Don't you love the versatility of blazer? You can wear it over dress, skirt, t-shirt, jeans, anything! And it's instantly spruce up a simple look. The same goes for accessories. They can add a nice touch to your blah outfits.
Don't you love the versatility of blazer? You can wear it over dress, skirt, t-shirt, jeans, anything! And it's instantly spruce up a simple look. The same goes for accessories. They can add a nice touch to your blah outfits.
Cute ring!
Wanted to let you & your readers know that you can win $1000 to Bloomingdales by entering the LVCMag Avenue Debut Grand Giveaway Contest!!! Submit an outfit photo for your chance to win & be published on our site - go to LVCMAG.COM for the full details! Thanks love, and good luck!
love the blazer!
thanks for the bday wishes!
awesome blazer <3
Thanks, you guys! :D
Great jewellery!;))
xoxo M.
I just stumbled across your blog and I think it's very cute! By the way I love your ring (I'm totally obsessing over that accessory at the moment)!! Check out my blog!!!
You have a nice blog!! Good luck with it!
Check out my blog: eliiise.bubbleroom.com
Thanks for checking out my blog! :D
How true, def love the versatility of blazer, you can dress it up or down, it always works! how fabulous is that!
great blazer such a perfect color for spring!
My Delusional Mind
great jacket, love the blog
-He approves
blazers are def a staple in my closet. they make everything just look more chic!
i agree! nice ring btw :)
Totally loving that blazer!
Thank you all so much for dropping by my blog :D
ooo this is a great blazer!! and you have the nicest pants ever! :D may i know where you got this pair from?? (and the beige/white pair in the latest post?) haha i'm always on the lookout for slouchy pants but haven't really been able to find any that are nice!
great blazer! <3
nice blog =) your outfit looks super cute
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